Sunday, June 2, 2013

Not so Sunday Funday...

I must admit, I've been pretty lazy over the weekend, with lots of napping. Since I haven't been able to run, I haven't really set a schedule for getting up and doing things. Haven't been in the gym since Thursday (arm workout). I have done my PT thera band exercises 'til my hips burned. I made myself get up and do 50 minutes of Pilates yesterday...felt much better afterwards & even did some walking lunges up & down the hallway several times (haven't done these in a while).

I told myself I was going to get up early and go to the gym this morning (I also said that yesterday too), but I turned my alarm off & rolled back over, which is so unlike me...usually I pop right up when I hear the alarm. Since it was cloudy outside, I made myself get ready & go to the gym...glad I did! I had the ENTIRE gym to myself for my whole workout (an hour & a half)! No fighting for equipment! No interruptions! It was so quiet & nice. The owner was there doing some office work...he couldn't believe I had the whole place to myself. I'd never been up there by myself before. No lights were on in the front part where the cardio machines are, but there's plenty of light with all the windows. When I went to the back for the weights, only a few lights were on...I didn't see any switches. I didn't ask the owner to turn them on either...there was enough light to see myself in the mirror & I was actually kind of enjoying the darkness. Just me, my music, and my workout. I was in the ZONE! Was just totally focused on getting it in & getting it done!

Got a great upper & lower body workout in. I incorporated both since I have an EARLY, 6am early, MRI on my knee in the morning. I've been adding more leg workouts each time to build up strength in my glutes, quads, hips, & hamstrings...I don't want to go through IT Band Syndrome again!!! I forgot how much I enjoyed working out my legs...but man did I feel my glutes from those walking lunges yesterday! The poster below says it all!

At the end of my workout, I received a text from a friend giving me an update on one of our friend's that has been in the hospital since Friday. Tomorrow morning she will be having a biopsy. This has definitely put things into perspective for me! Definitely makes my running & knee issues seem so minute & trivial!

If anyone out there is reading this...I ask that you say a little prayer for my friend & her family.

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