Friday, November 8, 2013

Penny the Pirate invades Jamaica

During my Fall Break, we returned to Jamaica. We "adopted" Penny the Pirate for the week.

One of my friends/co-worker is doing a project with her class, which she calls "The Pirates". Her whole classroom is pirate-themed. She has put her own spin on "Flat Stanley". She is sending out "Penny the Pirates" & "Perry the Pirates". People agree to take them on their travel/adventures & document with pictures. She has even created a Facebook page (Room 7's Pirates) where people post their pics. Her goal is to get a pirate on every continent, though Antarctica may be difficult. If you'd like to adopt a pirate for a bit, let me know...I can get you in touch with her.

I thought I'd post some of Penny's adventures here.

Here's the letter that came with Penny.
Penny all tucked in & ready for Jamaica. She only got 3 hours of sleep!
Penny meets Elvis.
Penny meets her 1st Jamaican!
"Roger Robinson" doesn't know what to think of Penny.
Penny chillin' with the towel art.

Penny floating her cares away in the Caribbean...
Penny enjoying my favorite dish...fried, ripe plantains...YUM!
Penny hangs out with some young boys spear fishing.
Penny makes a new friend.
(one of our decorations under the hut)
Penny meets a Jamaican cat.
Penny being spoiled...
Penny catches a "croaking lizard".
(these make a peaceful chirping sound at night)
Penny being attacked by an alligator.
Penny photo-bombs while our good friend, Teco, naps.
(Apparently our hut was the napping & hang-out place.)



Penny waves good-bye as the planes take off.


Saying good-bye to our butler & friend, Nasha.
Our friend Marc & "Puny" as he kept calling her.
Alas, Penny sees one of her kind...
If only I could have Penny's life EVERYDAY!  "A pirate's life's for me..."




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